
NJCIE offers various free trainings through out the school year.All upcoming trainings are listed below:

Join us for a series of sessions designed to assist members of the Child Study Team in making schools more inclusive spaces.

Audience: Child Study Team Members

  • 1/14/24 - Basics: Compliance & Regulation Walkthrough

  • 12/19/24 - IEP Writing & Progress Monitoring

  • 2/3/25 - The IEP & Inclusion

  • 2/24/25 - Supporting Inclusive Classroom Practices

  • 3/24/25 - Nurturing Family Partnerships

Zoom login information will be shared once registered and as we near the date of training.

During this session, we will identify barriers and how to remove them, identify different strategies and techniques to create a more inclusive PE setting, and provide a variety of modifications that will work for all students.

Audience: Health and PE Teachers

This is the same session, offered on 2 different dates.

  • October 28, 2024 8:30 - 10:30 am


  • January 27, 2025 8:30 - 10:30 am

Zoom login information will be shared once registered and as we near the date of the training.

Interested in another topic?Reach out to to inquire about our fee-based services.